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Today nobody questions the necessity of CAFM /CMMS or IWMS  Systems.
The software has changed tremendously in the last 15 years.
Big data and IoT are evolving fast and the possibilities seam endless…


Due diligence – true diligence?

“Due diligence is all about finding problems!”

A lot of software developers provides the FM-market with a great number of different solutions, and the professionals have mainly figured out, for which sector the divers solutions might be suitable.  

But still many CAFM-projects already tend to fail in the initial phase. We elaborate the reasons for that fact in our blog on a regular basis.

The more accurate and detailed the requirements are, the smoother the implementation of the system will evolve. An extensive and profound knowledge about the processes is as important as the diligent, meticulous sighting and classification of all data. There should be at least some example data, which could be used by the CAFM provider for inspection and import into the system during the process of selection. But you will also have to make internal arrangements and dispositions within your project structure, to ensure the success of your project.

“The only source of knowledge is experience.”(Albert Einstein)

These are our standards:

  1. You have to be able to configure a system, to estimate its possibilities and thus to gain the optimum for the user. This means, that we always have to dive into the depth of the system.
  2. Avoid “data graveyards“: We constantly question, which amount has to be supported by the technique of the system and who should take over the responsibility for taking care of the data.
  3. Avoid redundant, inconsistent and therefor wrong data: “Wrong data are more dangerous than no data”
  4. Tests in the system of Use-Cases and training are only executed, if a comprehensive user- and system documentation exists.