We are planning every building according to modern technical standards, to design principals for creating living spaces, constantly rethinking and adjusting our ideas to the changing requirements of our modern lives. Ecology, energy and “cradle to cradle thinking” are a few of the challenges we are facing here.
What is good planning?
The devil is in the details …
The devil is in the details….. The most challenging task of planning is definitely to consider every single influence that might occur in advance. Taking in consideration that the total cost of ownership exceed the costs of building many times over, every planner should be aware which cost a single detail might provoke. There lies the real responsibility of every planer in regard to the whole life cycle of every building.
From draft …
Technical Due Diligence | Site evaluation | Analysis architectural development|
Industry | Apartment construction | Bridges| Commercial |
Suitable for FM | IT-based | Elaborately detailed | Sustainable | Visionary | Down-to-earth
… seamlessly to operation
Controling | Evaluation processes | CAFM-preparation | BIM
Functional tests | Screening Documentation | Evaluation quality management
Tools | Integrity tests | Documentation | Specifications for technical equipment
isar1 plans with focus on…
- a comprehensive construction and detail planning
- early and on time delivery of necessary implementation documents
- focus on total cost of ownership during the life cycle of a building
- constant comprehension and inclusion of sustainable, functional ans systematized elements and materials
FM-suitable planning and realisation

- analyses early which detail problems have to be solved
- defines when and which data have to be processed and elaborated
- thrives from love for detail

- responds flexibly to change requirements during planning and execution
- always focuses on the complete life-cycle

- relies on approved standards
- develops systematized, industrial produced and multi-usable construction elements

in time & precise
makes sure in an early stage that all relevant final planning documents are available through
- Progress control
- Protocols
- Longtime experience

monitored & tested
- Architectural and design supervision
- Technical innovations and new products
- Execution to technical standards
- certificates and seals of quality

well documented
- Construction records
- comprehensive documentation
- data- and filing systems
- Detailed FM-specifications